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Tech Tidbits
Use LibCal to Reserve Study Rooms!
Do you need a quiet space for focused study? Is finding a space for your online class meeting or job interview stressing you out? You can now book a study room at East, Northwest, or West campus using LibCal!
The steps are simple:
Go to the PCC LibCal website:
Select the location you'd like to visit from the dropdown menu.
Select the date you'd like to reserve.
Pick a room with availability that works for you. Keep in mind the room's capacity and amenities.
Submit your time. Fill out the form that pops up (you'll need your PCC email address and PCC A number).
Wait for confirmation. Keep the confirmation email and arrive on time.
When you arrive at your study room, use the QR code to check in. This confirms you are actually using the room. If you are late to your room, or if you don't check in, your room can be reserved by someone else.
Some things to keep in mind:
NEW for Spring 2023--If you don't check in to your room using the QR code, you may lose your reservation. This new procedure is being tested at West Campus, so make sure to get in the habit of checking in to your study room when you arrive.
You can reserve up to 2 blocks of study time (4 total hours) per day.
If you make a booking and then realize you don't need the space, please cancel your booking to free it up for another student.
Fiorella Duran - Desert Vista Library Services Technician
My name is Fiorella Duran (she/her) and I am very excited to be back on campus as I was a student worker in 2019 and I really loved working at the Desert Vista Library. I love to express myself through my art and the many crafty skills I possess.
Ally Fripp - Downtown Campus Library Services Technician
In this role, I enjoy interacting with students and librarians and processing materials for circulation. But, I hope to further pursue librarianship in the future. I grew up using the public library, but decided on academic libraries as a career while in Undergrad in Colorado. I had a work study job at my campus that showed me how impactful libraries can be to college communities. This inspired me to come to Arizona to pursue my Master’s in Library and Information Sciences after receiving my BA in Psychology from Colorado College.
Ideally, I would be a subject librarian for a behavioral science (whether psychology, sociology, anthro, cognitive sciences or whatever!) department since I enjoy providing reference for research projects.
When not in a library, I enjoy hiking, yoga, listening to podcasts, and learning new things. In typical librarian fashion, I have picked up a needlecraft. I am slowly learning how to knit! Libraries are my passion. I am happy to be here at PCC’s Downtown Library!
Crystal Bryden - East Campus, Makerspace Technician
I am new to working at Pima just last fall semester. I'm enjoying getting people introduced into the world of 3D printing and other current and future crafting technologies. I enjoy doing arts and crafts and playing video games in my free time.
Isabel Encinas - West Campus Campus Library Specialist
I've always had an appreciation for libraries. When I was around six years old, my mother was a student at the WC and would often bring me up to the library while she studied. My young mind could not fathom the vast collection of books that were taller tha but I would always run straight to the children's section and reach for the same Alice in Wonderland pop-up book. I would often tell my mom that I wanted to be a student at the WC just like her when I grew up. Little did I know that I would be on the other side of the desk several years later. I began working with PCC as a FWS student worker in 2019 and then as a Library Services Technician a year later. Outside of work I love to play video games, read self-help books, and hike trails around Arizona.
Keiko Stahlkopf - East Campus Makerspace Technician
Hey there! I’m new to East Campus as a new Makerspace Technician. I’ve been with Pima for over a year originally with the IT Department. I love working with students to help them both challenge and discover their creativity in digital and physical mediums.
In my free time, I’m always glued to my computer, either drawing, making 3D models or working on my music project. I’m looking forward to working on even more cool projects in the future!
You’re welcome to call me “Cake”!
National Library Appreciation Week
National Library Appreciation Week (April 23rd to April 29th) is a time to recognize and express gratitude to the libraries and librarians who play a vital role in our communities. To celebrate enjoy some of our favorite "Book Faces!"
East Campus Makerspace Events
Click images to enlarge flyers
Happenings at East Campus Library
Click image to RSVP
Join us for another "Discourse with Darryl" discussion at the East Campus Library, room L130 on Friday April 14th at 10am. April's topic is about "Digital Society: Rewards and Risks." This event is offered in person, but we ask those attending to please RSVP with the QR code or click the flyer to be taken to the RSVP form.
Join us at PCC East Campus for a fun day of all things STAR WARS on Thursday May 4th from 9:00am to 2:00pm. There will be fun displays, crafts, prizes, food, a scavenger hunt, consult with a Jedi/Tutor, a raffle & a Costume Contest at 1pm! Come hungry too as the food truck, "Special Eats" will be on Campus from 11:00 to 2:000pm in the main parking lot off of Fred Enke Drive. Events will be located in the Makerspace/Library/Learning Center/Student Life/Main Lobby & Vet Tech! Which side will you choose? The Light Side or The Dark Side? Have questions? Contact the Library at or call 520-206-7693.
Click image to enlarge flyer
Research got you Lost?! Stop by the DV Library Mondays (10am to 11am) and Tuesdays (12pm to 1pm) for some hands on research assistance with our Librarians. Or contact Sol Gomez ( for some 1 on 1 help as well.
Poetry in the Garden! Join us April 18th, 1pm - 3pm in celebrating National Poetry month and Earth Day with poetry readings, food, and activities in the Desert Vista Community Garden. Poetry readings begin at 1pm, featuring Poets Naomi Ortiz and Diana Delgado.
Happenings at West Campus Library
Click image to enlarge flyer
Desert Vista Library - David
What is your favorite part about working in the library? I like working in the shelves of the collection, because it helps me want to read the books, and see what books there are.
What is your favorite library resource that you would recommend? If I could, I would recommend using the research guides for what classes they might need to take.
Desert Vista Library - Laysha
What is your favorite part about working in the library? My favorite part about working in the library as a student worker is the friendly environment, creating new displays and helping around.
What is your favorite library resource that you would recommend? I would recommend the culture passes, we have so many options!!!!!!!
Downtown Campus Library - Dallas
What is your favorite part of working in the library? My favorite part of working in the library is the ability to learn something new everyday. This could come from fellow librarians or patrons, there are many different sources of information in the library.
What library service, book, or movie would you recommend to your fellow students? The two main services I would recommend to fellow students are the online library search and the librarian help for essays. The online search allows you to view the library inventory at all Pima locations and can help you find the specific book you may need. Next, the librarians can help with essays by working together to find articles, finding data, answering research questions, and citations.
Downtown Campus Library - Abril
What is your favorite part of working in the library? It's definitely getting to help fellow students and learn new things about the college everyday.
What library service, book, or movie would you recommend to your fellow students? I would recommend the Popular book section because there are always really cool books there, and also the calculator borrowing service.
Downtown Campus Library - Ashwake
Downtown Campus Library - Francisco
What is your favorite part of working in the library? My favorite part of being able to work in the library is the way I get to socialize with other students and my coworkers. Working here I have learned a lot about different topics, and it is a very pleasant experience.
What library service, book, or movie would you recommend to your fellow students? The services provided by the library are very extensive, before starting to work here I had no idea of everything you can find here, things like books, movies, music, laptops and much more. I would recommend that if you have a free moment, you give yourself an opportunity to learn about all the services we offer, regardless of whether it is to learn something new or just find something fun.
East Campus Library - Shay
What is your favorite part of working in the library? I personally enjoy it all, but I’d have to probably go with the interactions. I really enjoy interacting with others and learning new things, whether it be their favorite book or how their day was.
What is your favorite book/movie that you would recommend? My top 3 favorite books are “The Giver”, “The Kite Runner”, and “The Lovely Bones”. I personally love these three because they all have amazing stories in them, and I love how I feel like I’m inside the stories as I’m reading them. They definitely get you going and are on the imaginative side.
East Campus Library - Dylan
What is your favorite part of working in the library? Being able to help others with different situations within the library and Makerspace with projects, this includes things with fellow co-workers or little things like helping Vicky on the phone.
What is your favorite book/movie that you would recommend? My favorite movie is Giant (1956 film) and my favorite book is “The Biography of a King: David.”
East Campus Library - Charrann
What is your favorite part of working in the library? My favorite part of working in the library is learning!
What is your favorite book/movie that you would recommend? My two favorite books are “The Bible” & “The Notebook” by Nicholas Sparks.
East Campus Library - Charles
What is your favorite part of working in the library? I enjoy working at the library because I am assigned a multitude of tasks, all of which allow me to be on the move and productive. There are a lot of skills to learn and moments of customer service to offer.
What is your favorite book/movie that you would recommend? If you’re looking for a good movie to watch, I recommend “John Wick.” I love how it doesn’t take itself too seriously, and seeks to offer a fully action -packed watching experience.
East Campus Library - Ellie
What is your favorite part about working in the library? Gaining skills in many different areas alongside being able to help patrons get the tools necessary for their success.
What is your favorite book/movie that you would recommend? Mr.Nobody (2009). Saw it when I was in 8th grade and it made me question everything. 10/10
East Campus Library - Angela
What is your favorite part about working in the library? I love looking at all the different books.
What is your favorite book/movie that you would recommend? I love Paul Newman so would recommend his new biography we just got and all his movies we have.
West Campus Library - Many Mota
What is your favorite part of working in the library? My favorite part of working in the library is the feeling of being able to help people in what they need, and the relationships that I have formed with the staff working here. Feeling like I'm helping someone has always been something I loved doing, and the library provided me the opportunity to do it. It's been such a lovely experience and I absolutely adore everything about being part of the library team.
What library service, book, or movie would you recommend to your fellow students? I heavily recommend the five films I have in my Staff Picks at the library. They are all some of my favorite films of all time, and all are a 10/10 for me: from left to right, we have Yi Yi, by Edward Yang; The Holy Mountain, by Alejandro Jodorowsky; Chungking Express, by Wong Kar-wai; Seven Samurai, by Akira Kurosawa; Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters, by Paul Schrader; and finally, Perfect Blue, by Satoshi Kon.
West Campus Library - Shelbie Coker
What is your favorite part of working in the library? My favorite part about working in the library is getting to meet all the amazing students and staff. Since I moved to Tucson without knowing anyone I was able to make really great friends through the library.
What is your favorite book/movie that you would recommend? My favorite book that I would recommend is The Midnight Library, it’s the book that got me back into reading and I think anyone can learn a valuable lesson from this book!
West Campus Library - Ian Milton
What is your favorite part of working in the library? My favorite part about working at the library is finding interesting books to read when I’m out of work.
What is your favorite book/movie that you would recommend? I would recommend any book from our popular book section!
West Campus Library - Ilse Vale
What is your favorite part of working in the library? I find so many interesting books to read.
What library service, book, or movie would you recommend to your fellow students? I would highly recommend culture passes!!
Northwest Library - Brittany
What is your favorite part of working in the library? The faculty hands down is my favorite part! Everyone here welcomes such a diversified love of knowledge!
What library service, book, or movie would you recommend to your fellow students? The library offers Culture Passes that range from performances to museum walks and even passes for the local zoo! I would recommend this to anyone looking for some adventure in Tucson!
Northwest Library - Chase
What is your favorite part of working in the library? Learning about all the different services offered here.
What library service, book, or movie would you recommend to your fellow students? The Libby App for audiobooks and ebooks.
Northwest Library - Kacey
What is your favorite part of working in the library? My favorite part of working in the library is shelf reading. I always think it's so fun to go into the stacks and see the different kinds of books we have in the library while also doing my part in ensuring the library is organized.
What library service, book, or movie would you recommend to your fellow students? So far my two favorite books I've read from the library are The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman and A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.