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WRT 101S - Desert Vista -Evaluating Resources: SIFT Explained

The S.I.F.T. Method - Online Verification Skills (Mike Caufield)

Mike Caulfield, Washington State University digital literacy expert, has helpfully condensed key fact-checking strategies into a short list of four moves, or things to do to quickly make a decision about whether or not a source is worthy of your attention. It is referred to as the “SIFT” method:

SIFT Method (Stop, Investigate, Find the original source, use Trusted source)                        

Video: Introductory Video

       SIFT icon for "stop" shows hand over stop sign


Video: Investigate the Source

       SIFT icon for "Investigate" shows a magnifying glass

         Investigate the Source

Video: Find the Original

SIFT icon for Trace Claims shows 3 dots narrowing down to one dot
FIND the original source

Video: Look for Trusted Work

      SIFT icon for Find Better Coverage shows a check mark             use Trusted sources

Creative Commons License


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

This LibGuide page adapted from Introduction to College Research by Walter D. Butler; Aloha Sargent; and Kelsey Smith, and from Hapgood.US. Both are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Free to Share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and Adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially). We thank the authors for their generosity of freely sharing cultural material.