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Social Services: Websites

This guide assists students in finding information resources for Social Services.

Pima County Health Department

The Pima County Health Department has a wealth of information, including statistics.  Trying exploring by looking for the heading of Health Resources for Professionals  then click on the link titled Health Data Statistics and Reports.

United States Government

U. S. Government resources at your fingertips. 


U. S. Census

The U. S. Census Bureau is "the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy".

Women & Children's Resources

These websites cover many areas of women and children's issues.

MAP AZ Dashboard

Created by the University of Arizona, "the MAP Dashboard Project is intended to measurably improve southern Arizona through data driven collective civic action and education."

General Websites

American Psychological Association

A wealth of shared data are available for use in psychological science research and the social sciences. These data span a wide variety of topics. The links provided are examples of electronically available behavioral and social science data.

UCLA Research Guide - Psychology

This guide was created by a UCLA Librarian for Psychology students, but the data sets and links may also prove useful for social services students.