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Social Services: SSE 170-Community Health Advisor

This guide assists students in finding information resources for Social Services.

Health Insurance Marketplace

The Health Insurance Marketplace is a government website covering consumer information about health insurance options.  Open enrollment ended on January 31, 2016, but other coverage may be available through Marketplace, Medicaid, or CHIP.  Consumers and businesses can research the plan choices that are available.  Through this website, there are many resources to assist consumers in enrollment.  You can also sign up to get email updates.

Suggested Subject Searches for Health Issue Paper

Your instructor has suggested several topics for your Health Issue Paper.  The blue links below are subject headings for books

related to those topics.  The topics suggested by your instructor are in black text underneath the subject headings.

TIP: Try using the words in these subject headings to search for articles under the "Find Articles" tab of this guide.

"What Makes Us Sick?"

"Rishi Manchanda has worked as a doctor in South Central Los Angeles for a decade, where he’s come to realize: His job isn’t just about treating a patient’s symptoms, but about getting to the root cause of what is making them ill—the “upstream" factors like a poor diet, a stressful job, a lack of fresh air. It’s a powerful call for doctors to pay attention to a patient's life outside the exam room."

Can ordinary citizens help fill gaps in U.S. health care?

PBS correspondent Sarah Varney reports this story.  "In the midst of radical changes in health care policy, some U. S. providers are looking to an unlikely model: Sub-Saharan Africa, where ordinary citizens are trained as medical support for their communities . . . using community members to form long-term relationships with patients to fill gaps in care."  (See below for the link to the PBS web page that includes the transcript of the video.)

Iskashitaa Refugee Network - "No Fruit Left Behind"

Explore the Iskashitaa Refugee Network website and scroll down a bit to watch the video "No Fruit Left Behind".  This organization "serves United Nations refugees and asylum seekers who have been resettled in Tucson  . . . in self-sufficiency and citizenship through innovative, food-based programming, which is also a part of our overarching mission to reduce food waste and increase food security throughout our entire community."

"Man in the Maze" movie