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How to Research: Find Books

This guide is intended as a starting place for doing academic research.

Find Books

Find Books

The PCC Library Catalog allows you to search for print, physical material found at any campus library. In addition, you have access to large collections of eBooks, DVDs, audiobooks, and more.  You can request an item and select the campus library of where you would like to pick it up. Also, you can return what you check-out to any campus library. 

  • Your student I.D. is your library card so make sure that you have it when you check an item out. (See any campus Cashier's office to get your Pima I.D.)
  • PCC students can checkout and return items from any campus library.
  • PCC students can checkout up to 25 (twenty-five) items. 
  • The tutorial on Using The Library Catalog (below) teaches how to use the library catalog to find and access books and eBooks.

PCC Library Books

Continue your research by finding eBooks (videos, DVDs, etc.) about your topic.

Search the Library Catalog



Tips for searching the catalog:

    • USE simple words or phrases, like "health care reform" or "immigration policy."


  • AVOID typing in long phrases. (See what happens when you type in "Why should we have universal health care in the United States?")
  • Find books at a specific campus by clicking Modify Search
  • Or request books from another campus by clicking