This exercise will prepare you for your group project. You will present ideas from your assigned chapter, and you will integrate material from external sources.
Today's goals
In this exercise, you will complete a worksheet based on your unique research selections. You will locate material of the following types.
The worksheet will be supplied in paper, but it is also available electronically in the box below.
Happy research!
The purpose of a reference source, such as an encyclopedia, is to give you an overview of an unfamiliar topic. An overview provides you with essential information to quickly "bring you up-to-speed." Additionally, an overview may put the topic in a larger context.
A reference source can help you explore possible topics. It can also inform your search for in-depth sources, such as articles or books.
Using the following source, you will search through 700 reference sources, including 200 specialized subject encyclopedias. A subject encyclopedia comprehensively covers the territory of a given subject. A few examples from the discipline of anthropology:
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Experts in a discipline often report their findings to other experts by publishing articles in academic journals (also known as scholarly journals). Because these articles are written by experts for other experts, they can be difficult reading for outsiders. But the information they contain is valuable and generally credible.
Many journals practice a kind of quality control known as peer review. In peer review, no article is published before being reviewed by other experts in the field on its significance and methodological soundness. Outsiders benefit from peer review, because we know the experts have chance to challenge an article before it is published. We have more reason to trust it.
MegaSearch contains (among other things) millions of academic journal articles across all disciplines. It also allows you to limit your search to peer-reviewed journals in the discipline of anthropology.
Experts in anthropology also write books to pull together various research into a whole. Other authors also write books for a popular audience, on the same topic.
Search the Library Catalog
HINTS: Experiment with different search terms in Keyword searches. Combine a topic of interest with a focusing term. Examples:
Tips for seaching the catalog:
Scholarly Books--How to Identify Them
Any Google search can be limited to specific domains.
Search Google for: kinship
Now limit it: kinship Now your results are limited.
The internet domain for PCC is:
You'll see it in any PCC web address: