BEST OPTION: Proquest Database:
Click on Hamburger (three lines, top left)
Select "Advanced search"
Enter search terms: Editorial or opinion or op-ed
Publication Date, select “Last 30 days"
Source Type: Select Newspaper
Document Type: Select Editorial
Language: Select English
Databases: U.S. News Stream
Enter the search. Many recent editorials will appear on the main part of the page.
Once search results are visible, decide if you want to use the Publication Title limiters to search exclusively for New York Times, or any other publication.
Tips for Using Databases
When accessing the databases from off campus, you will be asked to input your MyPima username and password.
You can print, email, and save articles from databases.
Many of the library databases include MLA citations. If you use an article from a database, you can simply copy the MLA citation into your Works Cited page! (Always look them over to make sure they are correct.)
General Periodical and Newspaper Databases
Search dozens of databases and the library catalog. Find articles, books, eBooks, videos, and more. This cross-curricular research database supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop criticalthinking skills and draw their own conclusions.