1) In-person: All campus Learning Centers are open and offer drop-in tutoring services. No Appointment necessary! Visit the PCC Tutoring Website for more information about tutoring at a specific campus.
2) Virtual: Virtual tutoring is appointment based. Self schedule a virtual tutoring appointment at pcc.accudemia.net or call (520)206-4959 for assistance.
3) Phone: Connect to Learning Center staff who can answer questions or schedule a virtual appointment. Visit our Contact Us page to get in touch with a specific campus.
4) Email: Ask questions related to Learning Centers and Tutoring by emailing pcc-tutoring@pima.edu
Pima Learning Centers are now accepting Drop Off Essays for Review by Writing Tutors. Simply fill out the Paper Drop Off Form, upload a paper for any class, and a PCC Writing Tutor will review the paper and return it with comments and suggestions within 48-hours.
NetTutor offers live tutoring on-demand, question drop-off, and writing feedback via D2L. Tutors are subject matter experts trained in how to translate tutoring best practices and learning strategies to support students online, one student at a time. Over 150 subjects are offered, including live tutoring for Math, Writing, and Student Success available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
How to access:
1) Student logs into D2L.
2) On D2L's landing page, there is a Net Tutor widget with the following information:
Please check www.pima.edu/tutoring
Call (520) 206-4959 or email us at
pcc-tutoring@pima.edu with any questions.
You can also reach out to our 24/7 Tutoring Services
NetTutor's Customer Support Request Form