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Elections, Voting and Campaigns: Home


Remember to register to vote.

Deadline for the November elections is: October 26th.

You can register to vote online at:

What do I do after I am registered?




How often do you vote?

How often do you vote?
in every election: 4 votes (80%)
only in national elections: 0 votes (0%)
only in local elections: 0 votes (0%)
only in presidential elections: 1 votes (20%)
when I am interested in an issue: 0 votes (0%)
not interested in voting: 0 votes (0%)
not old enough: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 5

Register to Vote


If you live in Pima County, the Pima County Recorder's Office will help you find information on:

Click on the State of Arizona Secretary of State website for information on: - Don't have residency in Arizona? On this site, you can pick the state where you "reside" to see details of registering and voting. You can register and find your local polling place online.

Pima County Public Library's  Voting and Elected Officials - this webpage has information on elected officials representing residents of Pima County (about 1/2 way down) and on Kids Voting AZ and Kids Voting USA (about 1/3 of the way down).


Local Election Information

Tucson City Clerk's vote-by-mail calendar:

Pima County Recorder's Office:

Elections - How do they work?

  • The Presidential Election Process
    The absolute basics: Four steps
  • Elections the American Way
    The Library of Congress explains: Who can vote? Who can become a candidate? What are political parties? Are they good for the country? How do primary elections work? What role do campaign issues play in U.S. elections?
  • How Political Primaries Work
    Presidential primaries let the voters choose who they want to represent their political party for president. But not everyone is happy with the process. What are the problems, and can they be fixed?
  • How do caucuses work?
    A caucus, like a primary, is held to determine the party's nomination for president. Those nominees face their first big test during the Iowa caucuses. Why is it such an unusual piece of the election process?
  • How Presidential Debates Work
    This American institution began with Abraham Lincoln following Stephen Douglas on the campaign trail and heckling him from the crowd. Today, the presidential debate is one of the most informative and anticipated markers of candidates' campaigns.
  • How Political Conventions Work
    In an election year, political conventions take over the U.S. media for days, filling TVs, radios and newspapers with political-party platforms and propaganda. But what real purpose do the conventions serve?
  • What Are Super Delegates?
    Before the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, relatively few people had heard of superdelegates. What role did these powerful politicians play in the Democratic nomination? And what makes a superdelegate so super anyway?
  • Electing a U.S. President in Plain English (Video)
    This video from CommonCraft explains what happens between the time you put your ballot in the ballot box and the time a U.S. President is finally selected by the Electoral College.
  • How the Electoral College Works
    Every four years, millions of U.S. citizens go to local voting booths to elect the next president and vice president. But those votes may not matter. How can the electoral college change the vote?
  • How Does the Electoral College Work?
    In the U.S. presidential election system, the Electoral College plays an extremely important role in determining who the next president will be. Learn about the Electoral College system in this article.
  • How the Swing States Work
    States in which the majority of voters vote for the same party in every election are all but ignored by presidential candidates. Instead, they spend their time and effort in the swing states. What are they?
  • Why Is Super Tuesday So Super?
    Candidates drool over it. Campaign managers turn gray from it. Super Tuesday is the second-most important Tuesday in the American election process. What is Super Tuesday? And why aren't all the states involved?
  • Why Is the Iowa Caucus So Important?
    Every four years, the state of Iowa becomes a political hotbed when it hosts its caucuses. Each state has its own nominating contests, so why does Iowa mean so much to the candidates and the media?
  • Do Special Interest Groups Hurt Candidates?
    Some special interest groups exist solely to level negative attacks at political candidates. How do these groups work? And can they be stopped?
  • How Can Someone Tamper With an Electronic Voting Machine?
    Instead of "Democrat or Republican," the more pressing question has become "accurate count or complete debacle?" With e-voting, the entire setup is electronic, not just the actual casting of the vote
  • How E-Voting Works
    Would you be more willing to vote if you could sidestep the nuisances of finding the correct polling location and standing in line for hours increase voter participation? E-voting could make it possible.
  • How Super PACs Work
    Read about a new type of political action committee (PAC) which has developed as a result of a recent Supreme Court decision and see how it has changed campaign financing.