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Elections, Voting and Campaigns: Candidates-Parties

Making Informed Decisions on the Candidate and the Issues...


Be a More Informed Voter!

  • League of Women Voters 
  • Arizona Voter Guide: one vote can make a difference 
  • Ballotpedia - Arizona Politics 
  • U.S. Electoral College The Electoral College was established by the founding fathers as a compromise between election of the president by Congress and election strictly by popular vote. In the United States, the people vote for electors who then vote for the President. This official website for the Electoral College gives more detail on the history and the function of the Electoral college and answers many common questions. It also presents numbers of electoral votes from past elections, beginning in 1789.
  • Elections - The American Way (Library of Congress - American Memory Project)  Easy-to-understand information about candidates, voters, the Political Party system, the election process, and campaign issues.
  • Multimedia learning resources about elections from the Library of Congress Expert presentations, exhibitions, bibliographies, webcasts, and other online materials related to U.S. elections, including humor and political cartoons.

Federal and State Elections

Find out what candidates you will be choosing from. Type in your address or zip code for a list of federal and state candidates. Click on their profile to learn a little bit more about them!

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Fact Checkers

Did he really say that?

We all know you can't trust everything we see on the web, read in magazines and newspapers, or see on TV.  Before you decide based on what you hear or see, check out these non-partisan, unbiased organizations so you can make your decision on" the truth and nothing but truth."
From the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, this project monitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases. See's article "Mis-Tweets on Twitter."
Each day, journalists and researchers from the St. Petersburg Times and CQ (Congressional Quarterly publishers) fact-check the accuracy of speeches, TV ads, interviews and other campaign communications, then posts their findings to the PolitiFact website. The site offers a "Truthometer, "a scorecard separating fact from fiction," for analyzing political claims. You can browse the "Truthometer" by candidate or attacker, by subject, by political party. Claims are rated "true, mostly true, half true, barely true, false or 'pants on fire'."