255 Almeda Street between Presidio Park and the Tucson Museum of Art
In front of the Tucson Music Hall
N 4th Avenue and E. Stevens Avenue, near the 4th Avenue underpass
Pas de Deux? details (search website)
W McCormick and South Stone near Police headquarters
Tucson Police Memorial Plaza Dedicated
Stone Ave, Jacome Plaza in front of the Library
114 E. Broadway, Broadway at 6th and Congress
Streetcar stop at Broadway Blvd. and Church
Centennial Plant details (search website)
Inspiration for Sanofi-aventis public art came from the place
"Flayed Figure" by Donald Haskin (search website)
"In Memoriam: John F. Kennedy" by Hardy R. Grant (search website)
Kino Memorial by Mahonri Mackintosh Young (search website)
El Presidio Fountain by Charles Clement (search website)
El Soldado de Cuera by Buck McCain (search website)