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REA 112 - Desert Vista -Researching Careers: APA Style

APA Defined

APA stands for American Psychological Association, the professional guild that first developed the guidelines of the style. APA is a style of formatting academic papers that is used mostly in the social sciences.

APA Citation Style--Articles and Magazines



General Format for Articles

Electronic or print journal article with DOI

Author(s). (Year). Title of article. Title of Publication, volume number

(issue number), pp. <insert page range>. doi:0000000/000000000000

  • The digital object identifier (DOI) is a specific code assigned to published articles that make them easier to identify and retrieve online. 

Electronic journal article without a DOI

Author(s). (Year). Title of article. Title of Publication, volume number

(issue number), pp. <insert page range>. Retrieved from <insert URL of journal




Items in green indicate variations in the citation based on the format.


Print Journal Article

Walters, G. (2006). Appraising, researching and conceptualizing criminal thinking: a personal view. 

Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health, 16(2), 87-99. 


Electronic or Print Journal Article with a DOI

Walters, G. (2006). Appraising, researching and conceptualizing criminal thinking: A personal view. 

Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health, 16(2), 87-99. doi:10.1002/cbm.50

  • Use the PDF version of the article (if available) to get the correct page range.


Electronic Journal Article without a DOI

Viemero, V. (1996). Factors in childhood that predict later criminal behavior. Aggressive Behavior,

22(2), 87-97. Retrieved from


Electronic Magazine Article (from a library database)

Klein, A. (2018, May 12). Creative people have more mental health issues. New Scientist, 6. Retrieved from

  • Magazines generally have no volume or issue, so just include the Year, Month, and Day of publication. For magazines published monthly or quarterly, you only need to include the Month and Year.


Electronic Newspaper Article (from a library database)

Birt, L., & Smith, T. (2017, August 20). How parking meters are helping to fund programs for the homeless. 

       Arizona RepublicRetrieved from  



Online Newspaper Article from Website

Jayson, S. (2014, June 21). Gender loses its impact with the young. USA Today. Retrieved from