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REA 112 - Desert Vista -Researching Careers: MLA Style

MLA Defined

MLA stands for Modern Language Association. It is a style of formatting academic papers that is used mostly in the arts and humanities.

MLA CItation Style--Articles and Magazines


General Format for Articles


Author(s). “Title of the Article.” Title of the Journal, vol.#, no.#, Date, pp. page range.


ELECTRONIC ARTICLES (found in library databases):

Author(s). “Title of the Article.” Title of the Journal, vol.#, no.#, Date, pp. page range.

Name of the Database, url or doi.



Items in green indicate variations in the citation based on the format.

Print Journal Article

Griffin, James. "What Do Happiness Studies Study?" Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, 2007, pp.139-148. 


Electronic Journal Article (from a library database)

Griffin, James. "What Do Happiness Studies Study?" Journal of Happiness Studiesvol. 8, no. 1, 2007, pp.139-148. 

Academic Search Premier, 10.1007/s10902-006-9007-4.

  • Use the PDF version of the article (if available) to get the correct page range.

  • If available, use a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).  Otherwise use a Permalink or url.


Print Magazine Article

Beatty, J. Kelly. "Double Trouble among Near-Earth Asteroids." Sky and Telescope, July 2002, p. 23. 

  • Magazines generally have no volume or issue, so just include the Day, Month, and Year of publication, without parentheses. For magazines published monthly or quarterly, you only need to include the Month and Year.


Electronic Magazine Article (from a library database)

Beatty, J. Kelly. "Double Trouble among Near-Earth Asteroids." Sky and Telescope, July 2002, p. 23. 

MasterFILE Premier,


Print Newspaper Article

Wichner, David. “Tucson Firm Wins NASA Contract for Space Water-Purification System.” Arizona Daily Star [Tucson]1 July 


  • For local newspapers without the city in the title, include the city in [brackets] after the title of the newspaper.


Electronic Newspaper Article (from a library database)

Battersby, John. “Nelson Mandela’s Moral Legacy.” Christian Science Monitor, 10 May 1999.

ProQuest Newspapers,
