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CSA 100 - Online - Computer Software Applications: Images/ Media/ Video

Image Quest


What is "Films on Demand"?

Films on Demand contains over 7,000 online videos (77,000 segments) covering all sorts of academic topics, including anthropology.

You can view them online.

You can put them in PowerPoints, too.

Find videos



1. Open this database: Films on Demand (home page)

2. Search your keywords.

4. Open a video, and play it.

  • You will watch a segment of the video. It will include your keywords.
  • In the image above, the segment title is highlighted.  Below this is the title of the whole video.
  • The other segments are listed in the right margin (not shown here).

5. Cite the video

  • Under the video image, click Citation
  • Copy the citation style that you will be using.