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Veterinary Technology: Encyclopedias

Why Use a Reference Source

Reference sources provide background information about your topic. They provide context and help you gain a clearer understanding of the issue or subject you are writing about. They provide you with an overview of the topic and can help you focus your investigation by providing common subtopics, events, personalities, and keywords. Normally you do cite a reference source because it is Subject Common Knowledge


PetMD - includes lists of diseases

PetMD - includes lists of diseases

petMD is the largest global source of pet health information in the world today. Part of a global network of veterinary professionals, petMD’s content was created by veterinarians for consumers and veterinarians.

Merck Manual @thelibrary

The Merck Veterinary Manual

The Merck Veterinary Manual at the library (in Print) 

Using a Reference Source

The Merck Veterinary Manual