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ANT 202 - Sexuality, Gender and Culture: Find Articles

NEW eHRAF World Cultures Anthropology Database!

"eHRAF Archaeology focuses on in-depth descriptive documents of archaeological traditions from around the world. eHRAF is unique in having subject indexing at the paragraph level. This allows detailed and precise searching for concepts not easily found with keywords." -eHRAF

Why Articles?

Articles come from a variety of sources including newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals.

Articles are useful because...

1. They are current

2. They cover very specific aspects of a particular topic

3. Articles from scholarly journals provide current research for very specific topics, and are peer-reviewed

Scholarly vs Non-Scholarly Resources

Your instructor may ask you to use only scholarly resources for your paper.  What's the difference between a scholarly and non-scholarly resource?

Scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources include books and articles published in scholarly journals and books.  These sources are reviewed by a panel of experts in that particular field, and are often published by a professional association or a university press.  These experts ensure the information published is credible before accepting it for publication.

Non-Scholarly sources include websites, magazines, newspapers, and books that undergo no expert review prior to publishing.

    Check with your instructor if you plan to use any non-scholarly websites and use the CRAAP test to evaluate them.

    Journal Databases

    You can use the following suggested article databases to find articles from magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, and trade journals.  You can also limit results to peer-reviewed or scholarly articles.

    Studies in anthropology are multidisciplinary so you may need to look in other types of databases for sources, depending on your selected topic.  See all Magazine, Newspaper, and Journal Article databases.

    Newspaper Databases

    Gender Studies Database

      The UA Libraries subscribe to EBSCO's Gender Studies Database. Some (not all) of the articles are full text. This database is excellent for women's studies and LBGT studies and includes both popular and scholarly publications. Included are citations to journal articles, books and book chapters, conference papers and more, covering women's studies, men's studies, and sexual diversity issues, from 1972-present.

    NOTE: If you are a Pima student or faculty member and wish to access the Gender Studies Database, you must use the UA Library computers in the Information Commons on the first floor of the Main Library.  Pima faculty and students can get a free card that allows unlimited computer access during hours the library is open to the public.  Just see the staff at the reference desk in the Information Commons and they will be happy to issue a card as well as help with any questions. Pima students do not currently have remote access to the Gender Studies Database.

    Search multiple databases, from one search box

    Search dozens of databases and the library catalog.  Find articles, books, eBooks, videos, and more.


    What are Peer-Reviewed Articles?

    Does your instructor require you to use scholarly, or peer-reviewed articles?  Watch the video from North Carolina State University Libraries to find out about peer-reviewed articles.