1. To answer the following question: What is a database?
-There are many types of databases
-A library database is a searchable electronic index of published, reliable resources. Databases provide access to a wealth of useful research materials from academic journals, newspapers, and magazines. Some databases also include e-books, relevant Web resources, and various multimedia. (Berkeley College)
-Any examples of non-library databases you may use on a daily basis?
2. To learn the basics of conducting research using MegaSearch and possibly other databases if time permits. However, you will be able to apply the same techniques/strategies to other databases after learning how to use MegaSearch. I'm here to help. (car)
- basic keyword searching (handout)
- narrowing your search by dates, type of source (aka format), language, geographical location, etc.
- emailing the information found
- parts of a source: title, author/s, name of journal/newspaper/book, volume/issue/date, and/or location & call number
- finding the article's citation
give credit
add strength and authority to your work
leave a trail for other scholars (or your instructor)
- possibly some advanced searching
A) First, I'll demonstrate how to do all the above. Then we'll do a search together.
B) Then, in teams of two or more, find an academic article, using any of the topic ideas we came up with via the activity. However, I want one person from the team to email me that article at sgomez37@pima.edu. Look for the other two sources if you have time (see other side of handout), and email yourself a news article. I'll walk around class in case you need help.
What were some challenges you had searching for the academic article?
Please email me at sgomez37@pima.edu if you need any help or have questions! Also feel free to visit the library in the Plaza building, second floor, Room F-210.