Some authors may have official websites available that have information on their books, interviews, as well as biographies about them. Here is a list of official websites available for some of the authors read in REA091.
Not all authors have an official biography or website. In such cases, Google can be a helpful resource.
Here are some tips for using Google to get author information:
1) Search for the author's name using quotation marks, for example "Robin Wall Kimmerer".
2) For author research, include keywords such as "biography" or "interview. Example: "Robin Wall Kimmerer" interview.
3) Look for official social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) pages - especially for younger authors and authors working in electronic media.
Continue your research by finding eBooks (videos, DVDs, etc.) about your topic.
Search the Library Catalog
Tips for searching the catalog:
Academic Search Premier has a large collection of scholarly articles and more. Note that the logo for the database says EBSCOhost--EBSCO is the company that owns this database.
Academic Search Premier will generate an MLA citation for the article you choose. Simply click the "Cite" button on the right side of the page and copy the citation into your Annotated Bibliography.
You can use literature databases to find criticism, biographies, and journal articles about your author and his or her works.
When accessing the databases from off campus, you will be asked to input your MyPima username and password.
Literature Databases:
Literary criticism and author biographies
"Provides researchers with unbounding literary resources to support their literary responses, literary analysis, and thesis statements through a diversity of scholars and critics that ensure all views and interpretations are represented." -Gale
Search dozens of databases and the library catalog. Find articles, books, eBooks, videos, and more. This cross-curricular research database supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop criticalthinking skills and draw their own conclusions.
Researching the author of a book can provide a lot of interesting information for the reader, and may help the reader to understand an authors purpose for writing. As part of your research for your book, you will be required to find background information about your author. Background information may include
Your instructor may require that you find a minimum number of sources about your author. Sources may include biographies or interviews. Your instructor may also allow you to use websites. Check with your instructor to verify how many sources you will need for your assignment.