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POS 210: National and State Constitutions: State Constitutions

Arizona A History

Arizona Government IntheLibrary

CQ Researcher Reports

Arizona Historical Society

Photo from Arizona Historical Society Website

The Arizona History Museum, housed in a historic Josias Joesler-designed building, is located near the center of the Tucson Metro area. The museum houses the stories and artifacts of Arizona personalities such as Geronimo and Wyatt Earp, as well as Emperor and Empress Maximilian and Carlota of Mexico. Family-oriented exhibits include a mining tunnel and a hands-on re-creation of 1870s’ Tucson. The museum hosts special lectures and annual events. Home to the Arizona Historical Society library, archives, and artifact collections, it is a destination for researchers of Arizona History.

949 E. 2nd Street, Tucson, Arizona 85719
Tel: 520.628.5774
Fax: 520.628.5695