Controversial Issues Databases
Original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news.
This cross-curricular research database supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical thinking skills and draw their own conclusions.
Other Article Databases:
An unprecedented collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals for academic research.
Try doing an advanced search. The drop down boxes on the far right enable one to search by Keyword, AllText, Title, Author, Subject, and a variety of other fields. Each database may vary. The drop down boxes on the far left allow one to search with "AND", "OR" or "NOT".
Truncation: *
The asterisk * is a common symbol used to represent any number of letters at the ends of words
Helps find singulars, plurals, and variant endings of words
Example: docu* finds documents, document, documentation, documented
Most databases let you limit search results. Some limiters include:
Publication type..such as Peer-Reviewed or Scholarly Journals.
Date of Publication
Phrases: " "
Enclose phrases in quotation marks when searching the Web or most databases
Phrase searching in individual databases may vary.
Example: "sanctuary cities"
Example: "federal government"
State Your Topic as a Question:
Too Much Information?
For example: "sanctuary cities" and immigrants and protect*
Too Little Information?