Databases for Borderlands History and Culture
This cross-curricular research database supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical thinking skills and draw their own conclusions.
Other Article Databases:
An unprecedented collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals for academic research.
Original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news.
Try doing an advanced search. The drop down boxes on the far right enable one to search by Keyword, AllText, Title, Author, Subject, and a variety of other fields. Each database may vary. The drop down boxes on the far left allow one to search with "AND", "OR" or "NOT".
Truncation: *
The asterisk * is a common symbol used to represent any number of letters at the ends of words
Helps find singulars, plurals, and variant endings of words
Example: docu* finds documents, document, documentation, documented
Most databases let you limit search results. Some limiters include:
Publication type..such as Peer-Reviewed or Scholarly Journals.
Date of Publication
Phrases: " "
Enclose phrases in quotation marks when searching the Web or most databases
Phrase searching in individual databases may vary.
Example: "sanctuary cities"
Example: "federal government"
State Your Topic as a Question:
Too Much Information?
For example: "sanctuary cities" and immigrants and protect*
Too Little Information?