Begin by seeking some general background information about your topic. This page will guide you to reference resources available in print in the library and electronically through PCC's online catalog.
When accessing Gale Ebooks (formerly known as Gale Virtual Reference Library) or another Reference Database from off campus, you may be asked to input your MyPima username and password. Use the same username and password you use when logging into MyPima.
The titles below are a sample of the subject encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference books available at the Northwest Campus Library.
Encyclopedias can be a great starting place -- they provide facts and an overview of a topic. They also list books, journal articles, and other sources where you can get more in-depth information. The titles below are just a few examples of the electronic subject encyclopedias in the Gale Virtual Reference Library. Click the link below to search across the entire Gale Virtual Reference Library.
PCC has a number of online reference databases that are great starting points for your research. Here are a few suggested resources: