What work or professional community do you envision yourself joining in the future? In this essay, you will have the opportunity to research your area of interest (possible major, targeted job, or potential career) and write a persuasive essay about it.
Assignment: Research a career and argue why it is, or is not, a good match for you.
Note: This is an unofficial summary of your assignment. Please refer to full assignment from your instructor.
This is a quick outline for your research. Review it.
Stage 1: What are YOUR requirements for a career?
Stage 2: Identify a possible career/occupation to research
Stage 3: Your career--its requirements, and what it offers you
Stage 4: How well do things match up?
Stage 5: Find specialized information to support your thesis.
By the end of this stage, you will have filled out the right side of a Career Match worksheet.
Before you begin...scroll to the bottom of this Stage 1 box. Open the PDF document called Career Match Table, and print it out.
When a company is hiring, it list its requirements in a job advertisement. The requirements are what the employer needs from the employee. This will include relevant skill & abilities, desirable attitudes, and willingness to work prescribed hours in specific working conditions.
In exchange, the employer offers a compensation package, often including wages/salary and other benefits.
As a worker, you have requirements for kind of job you are willing to take. This probably includes good wages/salary and working conditions. If the career can't offer the compensation that you require, then there is no deal. Likewise, if you can't offer the skills, abilities, etc. that the employer wants, then no deal can be made.
The central question: What does each side require and what can each site offer?
The worksheet helps you gather this information for your paper.
Ok. What do you require of your future career? And what will you have to offer?
Follow the directions below to take some self-assessments on your interests and goals.
These assessments are like tests, but they are only for your own information. Gather information from them, because they will be good evidence for your persuasive paper.
You will use the following library database: AZCIS: Arizona Career Information Service
When you finish the assessments, go to Stage 2.
At the end of this stage, you will identify a career to research for this paper.
You will use the following library database: AZCIS: Arizona Career Information Service
You have already used AZCIS in Stage 1, but now you have a different focus.
In this stage, use it to explore different possible careers. Browse through the listings, and compare at least two options.
Click here: Career Clusters
Finally, choose a career for your paper, and take some notes.
Make sure you can get back to the AZCIS web page for this career.
When you are finished, go to Stage 3.
Ok, it is time to nail down the facts about this career.
You already reviewed some of this material in Stage 2. But now, look a little closer at the information on your career.
When you are finished, got to Stage 4.
At the end of this stage, you will have assessed your career match, based on the information you have so far. You will also identify what kinds of additional information your need to support your thesis.
Remember: Depending upon how well things match up, your thesis may be that this career is not a good match for you.
Look at the paper Career Match Table that you filled out.
Start with the Career's requirements. Match these with what You can offer.
Next, look at your requirments for a career. Match these with what the career can offer you.
So far, your assessment is only based upon information from AZCIS and from own knowledge. What additional information do you need for your paper?
Developing a thesis and sketching out your argument
Go to Stage 5 below.
By the end of the stage, you will have found sources to support specific points in your argument.
Click here for a hidden tab for MegaSearch.