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SOC 101 - Downtown - Introduction to Sociology (Landers): Find Articles

Instructions for finding peer reviewed articles on your topic, all of which have Methods sections, and citing them in APA style

Pathffinder: Using SocINDEX

Joe's Advanced Search Tips

Use this search strategy.

1. Open SocINDEX.

2. Click Advanced Search (right side)

3. Enter your MAIN TOPIC in the top box. 

  • If it is a phrase, enclose it in "quotation marks"
  • Search.

4. Click the Peer Reviewed box (under the search box).

5. Click Advanced Search again.  Enter a FOCUS TOPIC in the next box. 

  • If it is a phrase, enclose it in "quotation marks"
  • Search.

Improve an existing search

How to find your keywords in important fields. (Optional)

1. Click Advanced Search.

2. To the right of a search box, select the field where the keywords must appear. Choose one of these from the pulldown menu.

  • Title
  • Subjects 
  • Abstract

Remember: Choosing a field will severely limit your search. Reset the pulldown to All Fields later.

How to Cite and Email Articles to Yourself

Get a citation for an article

1. Click the title link for the full record (not the full text).

2. Click the Cite icon (top right) 

3. Select a style (MLA, APA?)

4. Copy to the clipboard

5. Paste it in your paper.

Email the full text to yourself

1. Click the title link for the full record (if needed).

2. Click the Share icon (top right)  

3. Click the Email tab.

4. Type in your email address.. Send.

5. Your email will have the full text as attachments. Click the permlink to return to the full record.