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HIS 141/142/280 Online - Movies in Time: HIS 280 - HISTORY OF THE WORLD WARS

This guide is intended to help history students locate free videos from a variety of sources.

Physical DVDs from the Library


DVD being inserted into a computer drive


The following is a list of possible choices for this assignment, subject to your instructor's approval. They are physical DVDs in the PCC Libraries that you can borrow for home viewing.


Click on a title from the list below to see if a copy is available. In the example image here, if the far right column says "IN LIBRARY", it is available and you can request it by clicking on the "Request" button. You'll receive an email letting you know when the item is ready for pickup. Please reach out to me if you need additional help!



Cold Mountain library record showing item is available in the library




The Lost Battalion


The Big Parade


All Quiet on the Western Front (click on Next Record to see a copy at another campus)


A Farewell to Arms


Grand Illusion


The Great Dictator


The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp


The African Queen (click on Next Record to see copies at other campuses)


East of Eden

Paths of Glory


The Great War


Lawrence of Arabia (click on Next Record to see copies at other campuses)


Johnny Got His Gun




War Horse






Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Rosanne Couston

Office: Northwest Campus, #G235

Phone: 520-206-2252
