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Health Professions: Interprofessional Education

Five Essential Ingredients for Team Success 

Working with other health profession students on a presentation or project?  Consider these components when collaborating! 


1. Role clarity
• Each member is relied on to execute his or her unique role.
• Individual contributions should be valued, yet the focus must be on team success.
Examples include diagnosticians, prescribers, medication experts and members who tend to the patient’s daily needs.
2. Trust and confidence
• Members must be confident in their own abilities to develop team trust.
Facilitated by proximity and time, as well as exposure to other health care disciplines.
3. The ability to overcome adversity
• Challenges require every member to remain committed to the collective goal despite setbacks.
Examples of adversity may include dealing with complex patients or staff shortages.
4. The ability to overcome personal differences
• Members must be able to overcome personal differences even if they do not always get along.
Members must work together, putting patient care first. 
5. Collective leadership
• A philosophy that takes pressure off any one individual and disperses it throughout the group.
Collaborative leadership is 1 of the 6 competency domains for interprofessional education.

Chart modified from: 

Bosch, B., & Mansell, H. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration in health care: Lessons to be learned from competitive sports. Canadian pharmacists journal : CPJ = Revue des pharmaciens du Canada : RPC148(4), 176–179.

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