Employees can reach out to their medical provider or counseling services provided through their medical insurance or the College's Employee Assistance Program:
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Jorgensen Brooks Group, 520.575.8623 or 888.520.5400
BlueCross BlueShield (BCBSAZ) www.azblue.com, 855.818.0236. The College is in the process of finalizing a transportation and lodging rider to our existing health insurance plans through Blue Cross Blue Shield. Once in place, it will cover up to $5,000 in lodging and transportation costs for covered employees and one companion when there is not an in-network facility that can provide a covered service (including, but not limited to, pregnancy termination services) in the state where the member resides.
BlueCross BlueShield Members: The Ovia Health Maternity Overview offers resources for fertility, pregnancy and parenting.
Resources at Pima Community College--
PimaEngage has a wealth of information on resources such as clubs and activities that support student health, wellness and support. Log in with your MyPima credentials.
Student Life Offices are located on every campus. They typically offer spermicidal lube, condoms and some feminine hygiene products (tampons, pads). Contact information for those offices can be found on the Student Resources page.
Counseling - Pima Community College (PCC) counselors use professional resources at PCC as well as local and national organizations to support you during your time at Pima.
Student Title IX Website Resources - there are many resources on this page, including the Arizona Center for Sexual Assault, Emerge Center Against Domestic Violence and links for immediate crisis support.
Student Title IX Pregnancy and Parenting Resources - this page offers answers to lots of Frequently Asked Questions, including how to access Lactation Rooms on campuses.
PCC Child Care Information
ARC Food Pantry - the pantry also provides some hygiene and sexual health products upon request.
Downtown Campus Library at 1255 N. Stone Avenue has a supply of "Safer Sex Sacks" that include condoms, lubricant, 2 pregnancy tests, and emergency contraception. They can be found at the front of the library in the Little Free Library bookshelf.
The Pima County Health Department is partnering with the Pima County Public Library by launching a new mobile clinic service to help reach underserved populations.
The new services will begin Friday, Dec. 2, at the Eckstrom-Columbus Library located at 4350 E. 22nd St. from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The mobile clinic will offer COVID-19 vaccination and flu shots, plus a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services, including testing for sexually transmitted infections, HIV counseling and referrals, and pregnancy testing and counseling.
The mobile clinic will provide services across the county, setting up at a different library location for each scheduled stop. To find more information on the clinic and where it is scheduled to be, click here.
Resources outside of Pima Community College--